Monday, March 26, 2007

Joining the Blog-wagon……..FINALLY

Procrastination, in my eyes, is the worst of the seven sins, a close parallel to “sloth” from the original line up, if you will. And such laziness has delayed what can be termed as an obvious inevitable, joining a blog site and penning down endless words of creativity (or lack thereof).

And so friends, Indians and global citizens, finally I have also joined the bandwagon too :)

No specific raison d'être, just trying to clear some mental cobwebs and sharpen that long lost art that I once practiced well enough - read writing. Will surely pen down some my self-confessed passions viz. sports, classic rock and world cinema. Will also pen down some of my travel that I am lucky enough to do across the globe but not much of travails lest I start being a bore. I shall also share some of the videos and pictures that I treasure as a part of these globe-trotting sprees, some interesting, some funny, some trite, but ALL that I cherish deep down in my heart.

So without further ado, let us kick-start the show. Anyone reading my blog-space and curious to quiz me on anything is more than welcome to shoot a mail across and I would be happy to answer back.

Happy Reading
Surrealistic Cornucopia

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